  • 期刊


Who Uses Non-Biomedical, Complementary and Alternative Health Care? Sociodemographic Undifferentiation and the Effects of Health Needs


目標:對「補充與另類療法」(complementary and alternative medicine,CAM)的使用型態加以描繪並檢視其與社會人口特質及健康需求間的關係。方法:本研究資料來自2002年九月所進行的全國性家戶電話調查,共收集1517名20至70歲成人的資料(回應率=87.1%)。結果:75.5%於受訪前一年使用了至少一種樣式的CAM,這些CAM所屬的範疇及被使用率分別為:(1)物質攝入及吸收(64.2%),(2)以外來力量操弄身體部位(50.6%),(3)體能活動及身心靈的修持與調和(1.6%),以及(4)超自然調控(14.9%)。整體而言,性別、年齡、教育程度、及居住地區都市化程度等社會人口特質,與CAM的使用關係極微;然而個人的健康需求(包括健康狀況與健康關切)等,卻與CAM的使用有極強的關係。結論:民眾對CAM的使用相當普遍,而且並非侷限於特定的人口群。CAM的相關議題應納入衛生計劃的過程中予以考量;而未來的研究則應進一步深入探究價值與信念在CAM的使用中所扮演的角色。


Objectives: To document the pattern of complementary and alternative medical (CAM) therapy use among the general population and delineate use pattern along socio-demographic characteristics and health needs. Methods: A nation-wide household telephone survey was conducted during September 2002. A total of 1517 valid interviews with persons 20 to 70 years of age were accomplished (response rate= 87.1 %). Results: The use of CAM, by being conceptualized as non-biomedical therapy use in the present study, was so prevalent that 75.5% of respondents reported CAM use in the past year. More than 20 CAM modalities were used and the domains to which these CAM modalities belonged and rate of use were: (l) Substance absorption and intake (64.2%), (2) Manipulative and body-based intervention with physical forces (50.6%), (3) Physical activities and body-mind techniques (1.6%), and (4) Regulation of supernatural power (14.9%). Socio-demographic variables such as sex, age, education and urbanization of residential areas were not able to differentiate users versus nonusers. However, strong associations were found between CAM use and health needs (including health status and health concerns). Conclusion: CAM use was a commonplace practice and was not limited to specific social groups. It is suggested that CAM related issues should be taken into account in the process of health planning. While health needs played critical roles in CAM use, personal beliefs and values should be addressed in future research.


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