  • 期刊


Factors Influencing the return-visit Rate for Referred Patients in a Community to Their Primary Care Clinics




Objectives: A well-constructed hierarchical medical care system makes effective use of medical facilities and resources. This study explores the factors influencing the return of a select group of referral patients to their primary care clinics in order to give the government constructive feedback for implementing an effective bi-directional referral system. Methods: The sample included five hundred and one referral patients chosen from thirty-three primary care clinics in Taichung, Taiwan. Data was collected by telephone interviews with 403 responders (a return rate of 80.4%). Logistic regression was used to determine the factors associated with return. Windows SPSS 14.0 was employed for analysis. Results: In the government's existing bi-directional referral system there was a relatively low return rate of 28.3% for referred patients. Results from logistic regression showed four primary reasons for returning: 1) patients opted for their original primary care physician out of habit; 2) the purpose of the referral was for testing or diagnosis; 3) these were the specific instructions of the referring physicians; 4) these were the specific instructions of the referred physicians. Of these, referral for testing or diagnosis was mentioned most often. Conclusions: In the future, public health policy could improve referred-patient return rates through patient and physician education. This should stress the value of using primary care and family clinic physicians and remind general practice clinic and hospital physicians to encourage referred patients to return to those primary care clinics.


行政院衛生署:推動雙向轉診,2005。http://www.doh.gov.tw/ CHT2006/DM/SEARCH_RESULT. aspx。引用2009/07/05。
中央健康保險局: 雙向轉診, 2 0 0 5 。http : / /www.nhi.gov.tw/ information/issue/index_rates. asp?menu=5&menu_id=163。引用2009/09/05。
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