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A 2012 Survey of the Sleep Quality of Taiwanese Kindergarten Children




Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the sleep quality of Taiwanese kindergarten children by examining the relationship between the primary caretaker's demographic characteristics (age, education, and monthly family income) and the sleep quality (sleep disturbance, sleep disruption, nocturnal sleep duration, and sleep latency) of children. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was done of children aged 3-6 years recruited from kindergartens in Taiwan. A stratified random sampling of 1,204 effective samples was collected. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. Results: (a) The average sleep duration per night on weekdays of young children in Taiwan was 9 hr and 26 min, with only 11.46% of the children getting more than 10 hr per night on weekdays. Only 16.69% of the children had a bedtime by 9 p.m. (b) The types of sleep disturbance (ranked from high to low) in young children were: sleep talking, primary snoring, enuresis, bruxism, sleep terrors, nightmares, obstructive sleep apnea, and sleep walking. (c) Multiple regression analysis revealed that those kindergarten children with better sleep quality had primary caretakers aged 31-40; caregivers with more than a college education; and families with a monthly income of more than NTD 80,001. Conclusions: The sleep problems of Taiwanese kindergarten children included going to bed late, difficulty initiating sleep, and short sleep duration. Primary caretaker age, education, and monthly family income were associated with sleep quality among kindergarten children. Our results suggest that public health strategies focused on promoting healthy lifestyles should include an innovative approach to ensure an adequate bedtime and duration of sleep at night, especially in kindergarten children.


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