  • 期刊


The desistance process of substance abuse in people with ketamine cystitis




Objectives: Drug abuse is more common among young people than it is in other age groups. For some, their initial exposure to drugs is ketamine. The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences of people with ketamine cystitis who had desistance ketamine abuse. Methods: The study adopted a qualitative research design, and conducted in-depth interviews with nine patients with ketamine cystitis. The interview data were converted into transcripts for content analysis. Results: The desistance process of ketamine abuse was divided into four stages: The start of Ketamine abuse, struggling to stop, initial desistance, and stable desistance or failure. The causes of trigger desistance Ketamine abuse were health concerns and self-awareness, family support and positive interpersonal relationships, religious beliefs, and collapse of the supply network. Conclusions: It is recommend that medical professionals become involved in programs to end ketamine addiction and coordinate and cooperate in interdisciplinary team work with drug abusers. Treatment should assess the context of drug abuse and establish a secure notification mechanism. Medical treatment could substitute for administrative sanctions for ketamine addition, and an emphasis on preventing ketamine abuse could reduce the abuse of more harmful drugs.


ketamine cystitis substance abuse desistance


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