  • 期刊


Lessons learned from the evolution of long-term care programs in Japan and the implications for Taiwan's long-term care system development




The Taiwanese 10-year Long-Term Care Plan (LTC) 2.0, which is in line with Japanese LTC program, aims at developing an integrated community-based care system. This study reviewed the paradigm changes in elderly care and sustainable policy development principles implemented in Japan, the evolution of community empowerment, and the integration of Japan's health care and LTC services. This study collaborated with researchers from Waseda University, who outlined the historical context for the development of the Japanese LTC system; reflected on the lessons learned from Japan's experiences; and developed recommendations for Taiwan's future LTC policy. The Japanese LTC system evolved from a government welfare system to an integrated community-based care system, with the primary aim of providing assistance to the elderly-with and without family caregivers-by incorporating home health care, medical care, LTC, disability care, and support for daily activities. Japan's current LTC programs are designing strategies to decrease the burden of LTC costs and develop evidenced-based practices for the prevention of disabilities in their high-risk population. The current study reflected on the trajectories of Japanese LTC policy revolution and developed the following proposals for future Taiwanese LTC policymaking: (1) implement a comprehensive care continuum for medical and LTC services; (2) strengthen evidence-based disability prevention programs for community elderly; and (3) develop an efficient, 24-hour integrated home- and community-based LTC service system.


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