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Development and validation of the Family Caregiver Medication Administration Hassle Scale-Chinese version (FCMAHS-CH)




家庭照顧者 給藥管理 困擾 信度 效度


Objectives: The aim of this study was to develop a Chinese version of the Family Caregiver Medication Administration Hassle Scale (FCMAHS-CH) and examine its psychometric properties, reliability, and validity for Taiwanese caregivers. Methods: A cross-sectional methodological design was executed in three phases. First, the original English version of the FCMAHS was translated into Chinese through a two-way translation process, and an expert panel was then convened to evaluate the content validity. Second, a pilot study was conducted with 15 Taiwanese family caregivers and health care professionals to test the readability of the FCMAHS-CH. Finally, a sample of 138 Taiwanese adult family caregivers completed the FCMAHS-CH, and 30 of the participants were retested after 2 weeks. Results: The FCMAHS-CH contained 24 items classified into the following four domains: information acquisition and sharing, medication scheduling, safety issues, and prescription filling and management. The overall scale with four domains explained 65.76% of the total variance. The scale had acceptable content validity; psychometric analysis demonstrated high internal consistency and test-retest reliability as well as good construct, discriminant, and known-group-comparison validity. Conclusions: The FCMAHS-CH can be used to assess medication administration-related stressors among Taiwanese family caregivers. The scale has well established reliability and validity, thus providing a new tool for future practice and research into family caregiving in Taiwan.


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