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Objectively measured school-based physical activity among adolescents


目標:本研究旨在透過客觀測驗工具了解SH150政策推動下國中生在校期間身體活動量之狀況。方法:本研究對象為北部地區418位國中生,透過在校期間配戴五日加速規,蒐集有體育課日、無體育課日、體育課期間以及扣除體育課後在校期間之輕度身體活動(light physical activity, LPA)及中等至費力身體活動(moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, MVPA)時間;並記錄其性別、年級與體位程度等相關因子。結果:不同性別因子下LPA並未有所顯著差異,但MVPA各時間段男生都顯著高於女生;不同年級因子下,LPA與MVPA皆呈現年級越高身體活動量越低,與國際趨勢相同;而體位程度則與以往研究不同,體位適中組達標率為5.74,低於整體學生平均達標率,僅次於體位過重組的學生,可見學生即便體位適中,其身體活動量也是亟需關注的族群。結論:本研究透過客觀測量身體活動量檢視SH150達成率偏低,整體學生僅7.65%達150分鐘以上MVPA,建議可考量國際認可之消耗強度進行規劃,並研議學校執行面之推動策略。


Objectives: This aim of the study was to objectively measure students' levels of school-day physical activity at junior high schools in Taipei that had implemented the Sport and Health 150 (SH150) program. Methods: The participants in this study were 418 students from junior high schools in northern Taiwan. Participants were asked to wear accelerometers for 5 days to measure their time spent performing light physical activity (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). The average amount of time was subdivided into days with and without physical education (PE) class, the duration of the PE class, and the amount of time spent on physical activity on weekdays outside of PE class. In addition, data on participants' gender, grade, and body mass index (BMI) were recorded. Results: No significant differences in the level of LPA were found across genders. However, in terms of MVPA, boys scored significantly higher than girls for all periods. Our results were consistent with those of other international studies suggesting that the higher the grade, the lower the level of LPA and MVPA. However, our findings on BMI differed from those of previous studies. Only 5.74% of students with normal BMI met the SH150 requirements, which was a lower percentage than the overall average and higher only than the overweight group. This result suggests that future studies should focus on students with normal BMIs but low levels of physical activity. Conclusions: International standards on energy consumption intensity should be considered when creating school-day physical activity programs. Strategies for implementing a physical activity programs should also be reviewed.


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