  • 期刊


Telephonic responses to the National Health Insurance medication duplication reminder letter: a qualitative analysis of factors related to medication duplication




Objectives: Patient safety is a major issue in global public health. The National Health Insurance Administration (NHIA) in Taiwan introduced a pilot mail-reminder project for patients with duplicated medication. The responses of those who received the reminder letter were qualitatively analyzed to elucidate how they understand and explain the medication duplication. Methods: The research team collaborated with the NHIA and obtained a list of patients with duplicated medication; patients who were aged over 20 years and who received medication for hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia were selected for this study. A total of 11,000 reminder letters were mailed to the selected patients during July 1-7, 2019. Until August 13, 2019, a total of 265 phone calls were received from the patients. The patients' responses were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: Six themes were identified: patient knowledge on medication duplication, patient-perceived individual factors related to medication duplication, patient-perceived doctor factors related to medication duplication, the relationship between health professionals and patients, nonmedical context influencing medication duplication, and other responses. Conclusions: Medication duplication is a complicated matter and exists for various reasons. Thus, a concerted effort is required by patients and health professionals to address this problem and enhance patient medication safety.


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