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Using focus group interviews to investigate the willingness of medical personnel to voluntarily participate in COVID-19 group tasks in a one government quarantine facility in north Taiwan


目標:台灣流行疫情指揮中心為提供新型冠狀病毒檢疫者生活的隔離空間,預防社區群聚擴散而設立集中檢疫所。醫護人員是需接觸檢疫者的第一線人員,易曝露在高危險傳染的工作環境。本研究旨在探討醫護人員為何會自願參與檢疫所防疫任務之原因分析,做為未來招募人員之參考。方法:本研究對象以北部某集中檢疫所衛生組醫護人員為招募族群,採焦點團體訪談,專家檢測訪談大綱內容一致性為91%,訪談結束後以內容分析法進行資料分析與彙整,歸納出受訪者意願概念。結果:共12位參與者,4位男性、8位女性,平均年齡48.1±6.4歲、檢疫所平均服務天數82.1±77.1天。分析訪談結果顯示影響醫護人員自願參與防疫任務共有四個面向和6個原因,分別為第一面向滿足安全需要,其原因為防疫裝備充足、標準作業程序完整、完善職前及在職教育訓練;第二面向滿足愛與歸屬的需要,其原因為工作氛圍良好;第三面向滿足自尊的需要,其原因為台灣SARS防疫經驗;第四面向滿足自我實現的需要,其原因為人本關懷心態。結論:在疫情爆發之際,各國就曾陸續傳出醫護人員不足或不願意參與防疫工作。由本研究結果分析可知指揮中心提供資源環境若能滿足Abraham Maslow需求層次,就能吸引醫護人員自願參與集中檢疫所進行任務。建議制定政策時可依需求評估去滿足各層次需求,方可吸引醫療尖兵投入防疫,持續守護社區人民健康。


Objectives: The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control have established government quarantine facilities (GQF) to prevent the community spread of COVID-19. Medical personnel are frontline workers who must have contact with individuals in quarantine and are thus at higher risk of infection. As a reference for future recruitment, this study investigated why some medical personnel volunteer to care for individuals in GQF. Methods: The researchers used purposive sampling to recruit participants from a GQF in northern Taiwan. Focus group interviews were administered. The consistency of the interview outline content was 91%. After the interviews, content analysis was performed to examine and summarize the data. The data were coded before comparison, categorization and summarization, producing various core categories. Results: A total of 12 participants voluntarily attended our interviews, compromising 4 men and 8 women, with an average age of 48.1 ± 6.4 years and an average length of service in GQF of 82.1 ± 77.1 days. Our study results revealed four aspects and six reasons that affect the voluntary participation of medical personnel in epidemic prevention tasks. The first aspect was meeting safety needs, and the reasons included sufficient personal protective equipment, complete standard operating procedures, and orientation training and in-service education and training. The second aspect was meeting the needs of love and belonging, and the reason included a good working atmosphere. The third aspect was meeting the need for self-esteem, and the reason included Taiwan's previous SARS epidemic prevention experience. Finally, the fourth aspect was meeting the need for self-realization, and the reason was based on the humanistic concern. Conclusions: At the time of the coronavirus outbreak, various countries reported insufficient medical personnel or personnel unwilling to participate in epidemic prevention work. Our results revealed that if the environment met the Maslow's hierarchy of needs, it can attract medical personnel to volunteer in GQF tasks. In formulating policies, the needs must be met at all levels, so that medical staff would be willing to participate in epidemic prevention work.


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