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A preliminary study on promoting the self-reliance support model in long-term elder care in Japan




This aim of this study was to address how care workers can promote the self-reliance support model and assist elderly people to enhance their self-reliance capabilities when facing the physical and mental deterioration associated with old age. We searched for the terms "dignity," "self-reliance," "self-reliance support," and "foundations of care work" in eight certified care worker training textbooks for the past 3 years. A conceptual literature review approach was adopted for examining how Japanese social affairs researchers interpret the concept of self-reliance in long-term elder care. Subsequently, we expanded the caregiving content to a more general concept through promotion of the self-reliance caregiving model. Finally, the study identified five characteristics of the self-reliance caregiving model in use in the long-term care sector in Japan. We discuss seven steps for promoting appropriate practices in the long-term care field and argue that the core professional competence of Japanese care workers is to put "upholding dignity" and "self-reliance" into practice. Additionally, six aspects of professional capability training were identified in this study. The insights gleaned can be a reference on general caregiving for Taiwanese care workers that may be used to enhance their professional capabilities.


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