  • 期刊


Overview of international health data governance in 2021


COVID-19不僅威脅生命,而且對全球經濟造成巨大危害。健康數據推動21世紀衛生部門在治療和護理的變革。國際組織呼籲加強健康數據治理,實現數據安全共享和隱私保護。本文摘錄Jillian Oderkirk在經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)衛生工作文件第127號的國際統計調查,介紹國際健康數據整合、治理、隱私和共享的發展概況。本文發現大多數國家都了解健康數據治理的重要性,但在現實中仍面臨諸多挑戰,僅有少數國家在健康數據治理方面表現突出,但距離健康數據「民主化」還很遙遠。最後是台灣健康數據發展概況,並簡要介紹目前全球數據治理的主流方案。


The COVID-19 pandemic has endangered human life and damaged the global economy. The development of artificial intelligence and medical technology depends on the continuous supply of high-quality health data. With the wide availability of health data, the importance of data governance cannot be understated. Health data have enabled reforms in medical diagnosis and treatment. International organizations call for strengthened health data governance to achieve data security and privacy protection. This paper, which is an excerpt from an international statistical survey in OECD Health Working Paper No. 127, provides an international governance-based overview of the integration, governance, privacy, and sharing of international health data. This study revealed that the governments of most countries understand the importance of health data governance but face many related challenges. Only a few countries have outstanding performance in health data governance, and they have not achieved the democratization of health data. Finally, this paper provides an overview of Taiwan's health data development and introduces current mainstream data governance solutions.


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