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Science museums as a platform for public engagement: exhibiting the Wolbachia dengue fever prevention method




Objectives: Public engagement is essential when developing policies involving new technologies. This study explored the function of science museums as a platform for engaging the general public. Methods: In collaboration with the scientists at the National Mosquito-Borne Diseases Control Research Center, the researchers participated in curating, exhibiting, and modifying an exhibition showcasing the Wolbachia dengue fever prevention method. For this exhibition, the scientific research results were translated into educational activities and popular science displays. Questions from visitors were consolidated into ten subjects within three categories. These questions and the answers provided by scientists were incorporated into the exhibition. Results: The study results were recorded in two parts. The first part included the framework, interfacing design, and educational activities of the exhibition. The second part explained how the questions and answers were included in the modified exhibition to enhance dialog. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that science museums can be a platform for engaging with the general public on new technologies for public health and aid bidirectional communication between scientists and the public. The questions from the exhibition visitors provided pointers for future research and references for policy making.


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