  • 期刊


Re-visit the power of interpersonal communication: the implication of natural helper model in community-based health promotion


莊瑋芷、陳富莉:醫院保健志工代謝症候群培訓課程成效之研究:應用Natural Helper概念。台灣衛誌 2019;38:167-77。doi:10.6288/TJPH.201904_38(2).107078。 Chuang WC, Chen FL. A study of effectiveness on the metabolic syndrome training program to hospital health volunteer: applied Natural Helper concept. Taiwan J Public Health 2019;38:167-77. doi:10.6288/TJPH.201904_38(2).107078. [In Chinese: English abstract]
吳宜蓁、盧鴻毅、侯心雅:樂觀偏誤及預防行為:台灣民眾對禽流感的反應。台灣衛誌 2009;28:505-16。doi:10.6288/TJPH2009-28-06-07。 Wu YC, Lu HY, Hou HY. Optimistic bias and precautionary behavior: the general public’s response to avian influenza in Taiwan. Taiwan J Public Health 2009;28:505-16. doi:10.6288/TJPH2009-28-06-07. [In Chinese: English abstract]
盧鴻毅、許富盛、侯心雅:樂觀偏誤、自我效能、社會信任與新流感疫苗接種意願。傳播與社會學刊 2012;(22):135-58。doi:10.30180/CS.201210_(22).0006。 Lu HY, Hsu FS, Hou HY. Optimistic bias, self-efficacy, social trust, and intentions to receive H1N1 influenza vaccine. Communication & Society 2012;(22):135-58. doi:10.30180/CS.201210_(22).0006. [In Chinese: English abstract]
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Meade CD, Wells KJ, Arevalo M, et al. Lay navigator model for impacting cancer health disparities. J Cancer Educ 2014;29:449-57. doi:10.1007/s13187-014-0640-z
