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Health literacy of family caregivers of patients with dementia: a qualitative study




Objectives: Health literacy is a crucial aspect of health management and plays an essential role in the care provided by family caregivers to patients with dementia. In this study, we investigated the role of health literacy in the ability of the family caregivers of patients with dementia to access, understand, appraise, and apply dementia care information. Methods: We interviewed 11 family caregivers of patients with dementia in Taiwan's Yunlin and Chiayi counties and used thematic analysis to analyze and categorize the data. Results: Compared with their counterparts, less educated and older spousal caregivers had lower health literacy. The dimension of health literacy that was weakest among the interviewees was their ability to appraise information. The caregivers reported their main source of health information on dementia to be health professionals, followed by the Internet. The findings of this study reveal that the process for caring for patients with dementia is long and complex and that family caregivers have different needs. Therefore, health-care teams must cooperate with caregivers to make consistent adjustments and provide information and support, which can help family caregivers provide care for patients and for themselves. Conclusions: Understanding the health literacy of family caregivers for patients with dementia can assist clinicians in determining the caregivers' health literacy needs as the patients they care for reach different stages of dementia. Our findings can serve as a reference for the government to guide the development of health literacy policies related to family care and the allocation of resources.


dementia family caregiver health literacy


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