

醫療業務具有先天的風險,急診部門所處理的病患往往較其他部門更具急迫性,必須在相對有限時空環境下,診療先前並不熟悉的病患,因此,更增加執業的危險。除醫學上危險外,急診處醫師或護理人員也有較高的糾紛暴露機會;在處理危急病患同時,亦面對種種法律規範,甚至陷阱。本文針對急診部門常見之相關法律意義、同意書法律上的效力、醫療院所或醫師對危急病患之義務以及病患轉診時可能發生之法律問題。 因人、時、地之情況不同醫療糾紛引起的原因也有所差異,難有固定行為模式循。本文依據專家研究結果,建議急診醫護人員應注意:充實專業知識、集中注意力、提昇醫療品質、維持良好的醫病關係、避險工具例如醫療責任險之運用、醫療團隊彼此間的溝通及互助合作,且「應告知時需詳細告知,應注意時務必注意」,可能為預防或減低醫療糾紛的不二法門。


There are high risks for practicing medicine in emergency departments (EDs). ED physicians have to do make decisions and treat unfamiliar patients within a relatively short time interval; this exposes these doctors to situations with potentially more legal problems. In this essay, we discuss some basics of medi-cal law, including the concepts of death, consent, compulsory treatment, and referral. It is difficult to manage or reduce legal problems with ED medicine because of different physicians, patients, and variable conditions encountered. There are some strategies which may be helpful for every-one working in EDs. They are prevention of adverse events, continuous re-education, concentration, medical care quality improvement, good physician-patient relationship, liability insurance, detailed explanations, consultation, and staff cooperation.

