  • 期刊

Theoretical Analysis and Sph Simulation for the Wave Energy Captured by a Bottom-Hinged OWSC



This paper examines one type of wave energy converter, the Oscillating Wave Surge Converter (OWSC) with its bottom hinged on the sea bed. The simplest form of OWSC is a flapper connected with a power take-off (PTO). Theoretical analysis based on a 2D linear potential theory elucidates the mechanisms of the wave energy capture by a bottom-hinged OWSC in terms of impedances associated with the wave field, the flapper body, and the PTO. Criteria of impedance canceling and matching to maximize the energy capture factor can be deduced. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is established for simulating the same problem, and the trends of SPH results match that of the theoretical prediction well. Therefore, SPH can be regarded as a reliable numerical tool for designing and optimizing OWSCs.
