  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on Financial Statement Insurance




For responding to the call of reform of auditing system after Enron, Professor Joshua Ronen and other scholars propose the "financial statement insurance" to replace the current auditing system, in which firms hire and pay for accountants for their own auditing. In contrast, the mechanism of financial statement insurance means that, firms purchase financial statement insurance from insurer, and it is insurer to hire accountants for auditing firms to avoid interest conflict. Investors can claim against insurer directly when they suffer loss from financial statement fraud. This mechanism may improve also the independence of auditor, corporate governance, and signal effect. This proposal is supported by many scholars but different arguments still remain. This study aims to introduce financial statement insurance and its relevant arguments, assess the possibility of this mechanism in Taiwan, and explore legislation direction in the future. Hopefully, this research can construct a possible alternative to the current auditing liability and insurance system for Taiwan.


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叶蓓(2016),「论财务报表保险审计新模式及其可行性」,《会计师》,2016年 6 期,55。
刘玉红(2012),「论我国财务报表保险制度构建的研究」,《会计之友》,2012年第 11 期,107-108。
刘花(2008),「财务报表保险制度的可行性探析」,《现代商业》,2008 年第24 期,245-247。
朱同明、李鹏雁(2006),「财务报表保险制度面临的难题分析」,《学术交流》,第7 期,113-115。

