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Applying User's Psychological Characteristics, SIDE and Containment to Explore the Antecedents of Online Disinhibition



本研究以遏止理論(Containment)與社會認定去個人化行為(SIDE)為調節變項建構去抑制化行為影響因素的研究模型來探討:(1)網路的使用者心理認知特性因素(匿名性、無形性、非同步性、自我投入、分離的想像認知、低特權認知)對網路使用者去抑制化行為的影響(2)內部遏止因素(道德義務)與外部遏止因素(嚇阻理論)是否會對網路使用者去抑制化行為有調節 效果(3)SIDE理論組織規範強度是否對網路使用者去抑制化行為有調節效果。本研究從某大學隨機抽取五個系500位學生發放問卷,回收問卷中,有效問卷計488份。資料分析顯示在未加入調節變數前,網際網路使用者心理特性對去抑制化行為有顯著影響。加入調節變數後,本研究提出之三個調節變數SIDE:團體規範、內部遏止:道德議題與外部遏止:嚇阻理論,均有顯著調節效果。網路使用者對團體規範的認同強度對使用者心理特質與去抑制化行為之關係具有顯著正向調節效果,而內部遏止:道德強度與外部遏止:懲罰強度則有顯著反向調節作用。本研究結果可解釋為網路使用者會因網路的匿名性、無形性或變換身份不被發現而產生網路去抑制化行為,但若網路上的去抑制化行為不為所屬群體組織認同,或使用者認為網路上的去抑制化行為是會對別人造成傷害,或認為去抑制化行為是不禮貌的行為,或認知到網路上不當言論行為會受到及時嚴厲懲罰時,網路去抑制化行為的強度會減弱。目前教育單位全面提倡網路e化,網路普及化確實帶給學校很多便利性,卻也相對帶來一些困擾。建議學校當局加強學生網路公民規範教育,讓網路上的不當行為不被同儕認可,可降低網路上去抑制化行為。同時亦應讓學生們瞭解即使在網路使用者的個人資料與特質不易為他人發現,仍應與一般生活上一樣維持應有的禮儀。


In this study we constructed a comprehensive model integrating diverse factors by synthesizing different perspectives. We then proceeded to examine and integrate the following important aspects :(1) the internet psychological characteristics (dissociative anonymity, invisibility, asynchronicity, solipsistic introjection, dissociative imagination and minimization of authority); (2) the social identity model of deindividuation effects (SIDE) in which group norm; and (3) the containment theory in which punishment and moral issues in this research model, whereas containment as well as SIDE are treated as moderating roles of toxic disinhibition. Survey and expert interview methodologies were applied to test the research model, and four hypotheses were developed in this study. Five hundred questionnaires were collected from university students, among which 488 responses were valid while 12 were not. The result of this study supported all four hypotheses proposed by this study. Internet psychological characteristics positively influenced the behaviors of toxic disinhibition. Punishment, moral intensity negatively moderated the relation between Internet psychological characteristics and the toxic disinhibition behaviors online while social norms had positively moderating effect on the relation between Internet psychological characteristics and the toxic disinhibition behaviors online. Internet users hide their real identities when they behave inappropriately on internet, but once they acknowledge that the disinhibition behaviors will be punished certainly or severely, resulting in expulsion by the group they belong to, the disinhibition behaviors will be weakened. Thus, we proposed that to prevent the toxic disinhibition behaviors occurring on the Internet especially for the university students, it is important to advocate relative laws, norms and ethics of Internet behaviors on campus.


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