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Antecedents and Valued Consequences of Customer Participation in the Virtual Community-An Empirical Research of Cosmetic Community


過去消費者依賴朋友、家人的消費經驗作為制定購買決策的參考。現在,購物前消費者會先上虛擬社群搜尋產品資訊,亦會在虛擬社群中主動分享自己的經驗、交換心得。本研究以Fashion Guide華人第一時尚美容網作為對象,探討社群成員參與虛擬社群的前置與後果變項。就前置因素而言,本研究探討個人、群體與網站因素對於參與行為的影響。此外,本研究亦探討參與行為對社群以及品牌標誌所創造的價值效果。研究總共收集337份有效樣本,並運用結構方程式之最小平方法(Smart PLS)進行研究模型資料分析,多項假說得到實證結果支持。最後,本研究根據結論提出實務與理論意涵、限制與未來研究方向。


People share life and exchange information from the virtual community. From the past experience, it can be found that attracting users continued participating is important for virtual community survival. This study investigates the antecedent factors of customer participation in the virtual community. In addition, this study provides a framework for understanding how a virtual community yields community-related and brand-related values for a virtual community. This study targeting a famous virtual community - Fashion Guide -a total of 337 effective samples were collected. Smart Partial Least Squares were employed for statistical analyses. The empirical results support multiple hypotheses. The implications of the study are discussed, along with limitations and suggestions for future research.


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