  • 期刊


The Commercialization of Agriculture in Modern Szechwan: Production of Sugar Cane



本文從甘蔗作物的擴大種植、甘蔗經濟區的形成以及糖品貿易的發展三個面向,討論近代四川盆地的商品農業經營。 四川盆地於清中葉以後,甘蔗作物出現擴大種植的現象,清末民初四川種蔗面積達70萬畝,產量年約300萬擔左右,產糖高唐全國首位。由於甘蔗的密集生產,刺激了手工業的興起,沱江流域成爲蔗糖經濟區。其中內江、富順、簡陽以生產白糖爲主,資陽、金堂、資中球溪河一帶則以生產紅糖爲多;川糖出口東下兩湖、北銷陝甘、南銷雲貴地區。藉由區間的糖品貿易,不僅刺激了基層場市的。發達與場市功能的專業化,同時也促進了盆地區間經濟的發展與省際貿易。 甘蔗成爲二十世紀初,沱江流域農民最主要的生計作物,對於盆地經濟與貿一易結構的影響至深。是以觀察徑代四川甘蔗的專業生產,足以反映農業商品化的歷程及其意義。


四川 沱江流域 農業 商品化 甘蔗


This paper discusses three aspects of agricultural commercialization in modern Szechwan Basin. The first section shows that the rapid expansion of sugar cane. The second section shows that T'o River Valley became the sugar-producing area. The third section discusses the trade of sugar between Szechwan Basin and the neighboring provinces. From the middle period of Ch'ing-dynasty, there were significant improvements in agriculture of Szechwan, In the early twentieth century, the area of sugar cane amounted approximately to 700,000 mou. and the output of sugar cane amounted approximately to three million picul. Because of the production of sugar cane, which motivated the rise of family handcraft, T'o River Valley became the sugar-producing area. Nei-ching, Fu-shun, and Chien-yang manufactured non-grandular refined sugar; Tzu-yang, Kin-tang, and Tzu-chang manufacutured brown sugar. Furthermore, Szechwan's sugar exported to Hupeh, Hunan, Shensi, Kansu, Yunan, and Kweichow region, Sugar trade not only motivated the specialization of standard market, but also encouraged the export trade with neighboring provinces. This analysis clearly shows that sugar cane was the most important subsistent-crop in T'o River valley, by the early twentieth century. Agricultural commercialization effected the development of economic and the trade of structure in Szechwan Basin.
