  • 期刊


The Situation of Tibet in the 12(superscript th) Dalai Lama Period



十七世紀中葉,出身於西藏佛教格魯派哲蚌寺的第五輩達賴喇嘛在和碩特蒙古顧實汗的協助之下,建立起以達賴喇嘛爲領導中,必的甘丹頗章政權,乾隆二十二年(1757),第七輩達賴喇嘛圓寂,經駐藏大臣奏准加封年屆三十五歲的丹吉林寺第六輩轉世第穆阿旺降白德勒嘉措呼圖克圖爲諾們汗,以「代理達賴喇嘛」、「掌辦商上事務」,這個職務一般通稱攝政,填補了西藏政教事務因達賴喇嘛未親政的空隙。由於第八輩達賴喇嘛到第十二輩達賴喇嘛親政的時間極短,以致使攝政掌握西藏地方大權的時問實際上超過達賴喇嘛。 第十二輩達賴喇嘛赤列嘉措(1856~1875)自從被認定爲轉世靈童後,到親政二年不久圓寂,將近十八年是達賴喇嘛沒有親政的期間,西藏地方面臨了邊境事件紛擾頻仍,一切政教事務都是由代理達賴喇嘛事務的攝政處理。從道光二十四年(1845),接掌攝政的熱振呼圖克圖阿旺益西楚臣堅贊,掌政十七年,終因內部的鬥爭失敗,於同治元年(1862)出亡西藏,圓寂於北京。繼任者噶倫汪曲結布是政爭的勝利者,他掌政二年後逝世,雖然達賴喇嘛再請其經師擔任攝政之職,但是汪曲結布所培植的貝丹頓珠勢力,趁機奪權反撲,政變雖不成功,但造成西藏社會的動盪,這些傾軋描繪出第十二輩達賴喇嘛時期的西藏。


In the middle 17(superscript th) century, the 5(superscript th) Dalai Lama, who was a reincarnation of 'Dras sPung monastery of dGe lugs pa school, was supported by troops of Kusho Khan of outer Mongolia, and established Gaden Phodrang regime led by the authority of Dalai Lama's lineage. When the 7(superscript th) Dalai Lama died, through the report from Amban of Ching Court in Lhasa, the Ching emperor entitled Demo Nga dbang 'jam pal bde legs rgya mtso hotokoto on Normen Khan as a deputy of Dalai Lama, in-charge of religious and secular affairs in the 22nd year of Emperor Chian-long (1757). This new position is later called the Regent and was appointed in the absence of or when Dalai Lama was not in charge. Due to the short governing duration of 8(superscript th) to 12(superscript th) Dalai Lama, the regents usually ruled longer during this period. As Nga dbang blo bsang dpal rgya mtso phrin las rgya mtso (1856~l875) was recognized as the reincarnation of the 11(superscript th) Dalai Lama, till he was called upon to assume full political power of Tibet only two years, the Dalai Lama was not in the power at least 18 years, during frequent border troubles all the matters were being managed by the Regent. From 1845 to 1862, the regent Rwa sgren sprul sku nga dbang ye shes tshul khrims rgyal mtshan handled affairs until the failure of the internal struggle of Tibet and died soon after fleeing to Peking in 1862. bKa' blon dbang phyug rgyal PP took place Rwa sgren's position, but he also died in two years, then the tutor of 12(superscript th) Dalai Lama was appointed to take his place, but a strong supporter of bKa' blon dbang phyug rgyal po, dPal ldan don grub tried to strengthened his authority against the new regent, but failed. Those events of crisis lead Tibetan society into an unstable situation in the 12(superscript th) Dalai Lama period.


A. H. Francke, 《Antiquties of India Tibet》,Superintendent Government Printing,Calcutta,1926,p.54。
(1956).[難字,請見原文] .Kalimpon:Tibet Mirror Press.
