  • 期刊


The Netherlandish Painting before 1415


尼德蘭因長期附庸他國,其繪畫遂被納入所屬國家的繪畫史中,因此研究1415年之前的尼德蘭繪畫,有賴德、法繪畫史資料的輔助。尼德蘭地區的繪事隨著修道院的進駐而展開,最早可上溯至西元六世紀初,但是明確的史料則始自八世紀,並且深受卡洛琳藝術(Karolingische Kunst)的影響;到了十至十一世紀,開始出現民間的繪畫活動和行會組織。由1292年製作的「奧提莉(Ottilie)聖髑櫃」,可看出其地方性繪畫風格率真、用色大膽、且強調人物的表情和動作,在此已初露其民族繪畫的特質。隨著自然主義的風潮,其畫作逐漸展現立體感,並顯示出受到法國哥德繪畫和義大利十四世紀繪畫的影響;到了十四世紀末,畫中人物已具有相當的體積感;而在十五世紀初,畫中人物形同高浮雕一般,混淆了繪畫和雕刻的界線。此時的旅法尼德蘭畫家,為法國哥德繪畫帶來了傳達心靈活動的人物表情,並在構圖中融入自然的風景,這些建樹都為日後早期尼德蘭油畫的發展奠定良好的基礎。


Netherland was governed by the other European countries for a long time and its paintings were accordingly placed into the history of these countries. To study the Netherlandish painting prior to 1415, it needs to refer to the Germany and French painting history. The painting activities in Netherland arose along with the entry of cloister. Although this event can be traced as early as the beginning of the sixth century, the historical records showed that it originated in the eighth century and was under the influence of Carolingian art. Until the tenth to eleventh century, the activities and guilds of folk painting started to emerge. The ”Ottilie Chasse” made in 1292 demonstrated the regionalized painting characteristics that possessed a forthright painting style, an unflinching use of colors, and an emphasis on portraying appearances and actions of the figures in painting; therefore, it was believed that the Netherlandish painters have started to reveal their national characteristics of painting. Following the movement of naturalism, the Netherlandish painting gradually displayed three dimensions, an indication of influences from the Gothic paintings in France and the fourteenth century paintings in Italy. In the late fourteenth century, the figures in painting have possessed a high sense of volumetric. In the early fifteenth century, the figures in painting were alike in the high relief, which mixed the boundary between painting and sculpture. At the same time, the Netherlandish painters residing in France brought on the expression of the figures in painting that transmits the spiritual activity for the French Gothic paintings. They also blended natural scenery into the composition of paintings. These achievements laid good foundation for the future development of the early Netherlandish oil painting.


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