  • 期刊


Biological Monitoring of Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke in the Enclosed Space



本研究係以短期追蹤研究設計,對某處封閉式作業場所的84位工作人員,以血液一氧化碳血紅素為生物指標,進行環境菸煙暴露之生物偵測。並以各種條件相似,惟通風排氣頻率與時間不同的工作場所內84位工作人員為對照組,進行個案—對照研究。 研究結果顯示長期在缺乏通風排氣的封閉式空間內作業,工作人員血液中的一氧化碳血紅素濃度明顯地高於通風排氣狀況良好工作環境的工作人員。而這些由於長期封閉作業而暴露於高菸煙污染工作環境中的工作人員,體內一氧化碳血紅素濃度亦隨封閉作業天數的增加而有逐漸增高的趨勢。本研究亦驗證問卷並非調查個人定量吸菸行為的理想工具,仍應以生物偵測作為偵測菸煙暴露的。 本研究建議封閉式作業場所應提供有效的通風排氣裝置、增加通風排氣頻率與延長每次通風排氣時間;並應確實要求封閉作業期間禁菸,甚至在封閉式作業環境工作的員工,都應嚴格遵守禁菸規定,以降低工作環境空氣中的菸煙污染,確保工作人員身心健康。


The health hazards of cigarette smoking have been documented for a long time. Unfortunately, the worldwide consumption of cigarettes was still increasing year by rear. Many studies were designed to elicit the health hazards of workers in the enclosed space. However, cigarette smoking was usually considered as a confounder in those studies. This study intended to measure the exposure level of environmental tobacco smoke among workers working in two enclosed spaces. (unit A and B). Totally, 118 employees selected from these two enclosed spaces completed the measurement of blood carboxyhemoglobin (COHb). The results of biological monitoring showed that blood COHb concentration were varied for workers from different enclosed spaces and for different quantities of smoking. The mean COHb level in Unit B was higher than in Unit A before entering the working environment, which was due to overcrowded living environment. However, COHb level in Unit A was higher than Unit B after working 3 days in the enclosed space. The main influencing factors of blood COHb level were the ventilation frequency, duration of ventilation, and crowded level in the enclosed space of Unit A and Unit B. Blood COHb levels in Unit A and B were showed a positive does-response relationship with quantity of cigarette consumption. These results suggested that improvement of the ventilation system in order to reduce the concentration of CO is required for an enclosed environment. Selection of nonsmoking workers is primary prevention of hazards from environmental tobacco smoke in the enclosed space.
