  • 期刊


Epidemiological Study of Hospital Admission Rate among Labor Insurance Subjects in Taiwan Area



本研究係利用台閩地區勞保局民國八十年相關疾病住院資料及年中總勞保人口資料進行分析研究。以民國八十年總勞保人數及勞保總住院人數為不同分母,探討該年因高血壓性心臟病及缺血性心臟病在不同性別、年齡及行業別之住院率及平均住院日數,以探討影響勞保個案心臟血管疾病住院的相關因素。 本研究之結果顯示:民國八十年台閩地區心臟血管疾病中,高血壓性心臟病有4415人住院,其他高血壓疾病有8650人住院,急性心肌梗塞有1186人住院,其他缺血性心臟病有3591人住院。其住院率在總勞保住院人數百分比中分別為0.77、1.02、0.21及0.63,而在總勞保人口數百分比中分別為0.06、0.12、0.02及0.05。此四種心臟血管疾病住院率,男性均較女性為高,尤其在急性心肌梗塞住院率,男女差別較為明顯(每十萬人口中23.33人比9.25人)。不同疾病的住院率均隨年齡之增加而有顯的增加。然而在同時考慮性別及年齡因素時,除急性心肌梗塞外,45歲以上女性個案其住院率均較同年齡層之男性個案為高,在不同行業別中,不論男性及女性個案因高血壓疾病及缺血性心臟病之住院率均以礦業土石採取業為最高,而以運輸倉儲通信業或金融保險服務業為低。在平均住院日數方面,男性為11.05日,女性10.18日,隨年齡增加其平均住院日數也較長。在不同行業中,則以農林漁牧業的11.99天為最長,而以水電燃氣業的8.17天為最低。 本研究為台閩地區勞保心臟血管疾病住院資料描述性分析,希望能藉此一初步分析個案在不同性別、年齡及行業別有關心臟血管疾病住院情形及特性,進而探討其心臟血管疾病的盛行率及危險因子,希望能藉由此對心臟血管疾病防治有所助益。


In Taiwan area the public health and medical service had made progressive improvement in recent 40 years. The causes of mortality of Taiwan area had been changed dramatically from infectious diseases to chronic diseases. Cardiovascular related diseases such as stroke, ischemic heart disease and hypertension were the major causes of death in Taiwan area in 1993. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cardiovascular disease hospital admission rate in 1991 among labor insurance in Taiwan area. Totally, there are 4415 subjects admission due to hypertensive disease, 8650 subjects due to other hypertensive disease, 1186 subjects due to acute myocardial infarction and 3591 subjects due to other ischemic heart disease. The admission rate were 0.06, 0.12, 0.02 and 0.05 in total labor insurance subjects respectively. The male subjects had higher admission rate of hypertension and other ischemic heart disease than females. But the trend were reversed after 45 years old if the interaction of sex and age effects were considered. However, the males had higher admission rate of acute myocardial infarction than females in all age groups. The admission rate of those diseases increased as the age was increasing. Comparison of the admission rate among different industrial divisions, the mining and quarrying had the highest admission rate and the transportation, storage and communication or the financing, insurance, real estate and business services had lower admission rate than others. From this study, the admission rate of cardiovascular disease stratified by sex, age and occupation groups among insured labors in Taiwan area was quite different. Some possible causes could explain the difference. But the causation of difference in admission rate among different occupations was still unclear. Further follow-up study and data analysis are needed to answer this question.
