

本文報告一位石刻店老闆,因為咳嗽和勞動時呼吸困難到本院就診。胸部X 光發現右側氣胸,兩側中上肺野多發結節狀浸潤,以及蛋殼狀肺門淋巴節腫大。在懷疑矽肺症的診斷下進行工廠調查,發現患者從事墓碑和金斗刻字工作約37 年,工作的方式很可能使息者暴露於細微的石屑粉塵中。所用的六種石材經過傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜分析,發現其中三種含有超過百分之十的游離結晶二氧化矽。患者由於胸管持續氣漏因而接受迷你胸廓切開術,病理切片呈現矽結節,因此本病例屬於塵肺症中的矽肺症。墓碑刻字在彰化地區多為小型家庭企業,不一定加入工會和勞保,也鮮少接受勞工檢查輔導或參與勞工健康檢查“這個病例可以作為預警事件,藉以提高對石作業者職業安全衛生的重視。


墓碑刻字 矽肺症


An owner of a stone shop presented symptoms of cough and exertional dyspnea in recent one month . Chest X-ray on admission revealed pneumothorax on the right lung , multiple fibronodular lesions over bilateral lung fields , and egg-shell type lymphadenopathy at hili. With strong suspicion of silicosis , a field survey was conducted. It disclosed that the victim had sculptured words and patters on tombstones without appropriate ventilation and protective equipment for nearly 37 years . He was potentially exposed to fine dusts generated during the sculptural processes . Three out of six kinds of stones used in this stone shop contained more than 10 % of free silica analysed by Fourier transformation infrared spectrometry. The patient received thoracoplasty operation due to persistent air leakage . The biopsy specimens revealed existence of multiple silicotic nodules . A case of silicosis was diagnosed under pathological confirmation . This case can serve as a sentinel event to strengthen the practice of occupational health in such small and neglected sector in Taiwan .


tombstone sculpture silicosis
