



矽肺症 石作工人


Among occupational lung diseases in Taiwan, coal workers' pneumoconiosis comprises the largest group, while si1kosis is only occasionally reported. A systematic investigation of occupations, other than mining, which pose hazards of silicosis is not available. The aim of this study lies in discovering the prevalence of silicosis among stone workers, so that occupational health program can be implemented if necessary. This cross-sectional study is based on questionnaire, physical examination, pulmonary function test, and chest X-ray of the thirty members of The Union of Stone Workers in one precinct in central Taiwan. The results show that, among 18 stone-sculptors, 6 suffer from silicosis. 3 helpers without direct engagement in cutting do not demonstrate rontgenologic al evidence of silicosis. The remaining 9 stone workers are also healthy in this regard. The question whether power-driven tools generate sufficiently large amount of dust to cause silicosis remains to be answered. This issue is so much relevant as current stone-sculptors use power tools and their health will be endangered if the operation is responsible for the silicosis of those who have already had the disease.


silicosis stone-worker


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