  • 期刊


The Effect of Long-Term Storage of Quality Controls' Blood Lead Specimens on Analysis of Blood Lead Levels


雖然血鉛濃度廣泛運用於鉛吸收增加的指標,但是血鉛的測定在不同實驗室間與同一實驗室內仍然會有所差異。在台灣,1980年代初期血鉛分析首先被採用,但在血鉛分析的實務經驗上,例如血鉛標準品是否可以長時間冷藏保存並使用之,則少有探討?本研究主要目的是探討以國內外血鉛分析品管計畫所採用之盲樣標準品(牛、豬血)血液檢體,長時間於4℃與-20℃的狀態下冷藏保存,時間因素是否會影響血鉛濃度之變化。研究對象為國內豬隻血液標準品,以內含EDTA抗凝固劑之真空採血管收集檢體,以及美國疾病管制及預防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC )之盲樣檢體(牛血),等兩大類。CDC 之盲樣檢體依其原始容器,以-20℃方式保存檢體。血中鉛的測量係利用石墨爐原子吸收光譜儀(CVs: coefficients of variation)範圍自1.2%到15.9%。CDC之盲樣檢體(牛血)CVs範圍在1.2%到48.6%之間。在血鉛重複分析時間因素的影響方面,以GEE(generalized estimating equation)分析模式發現,在豬血或牛血兩組,時間因素均不會對冷藏儲存樣本之血液鉛含量造成顯著的影響。因此本研究提供了實際的數據,驗證血液在4℃與-20℃長時間冷藏保存下,豬血或牛血血鉛濃度仍呈現穩定狀態。


Although Blood Lead Levels (BLLs) are widely used as indicators of lead absorption, the method to measure them varies across laboratories. Researchers in Taiwan have started measuring BLLs since early 1980s, however, little has been done in evaluating different methods and the impacts of long-term storage on analysis of blood lead levels. This study was aimed to evaluate the extent to which long-term-kept blood lead standard samples in 4℃ and -20℃ might affect the BLLs in two quality control programs between internal pig blood lead samples and bovine blood lead samples from CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The pig blood samples were collected in a vacuum tube containing ethylenediamine tetracetic acid (EDTA) as the anticoagulant and bovine blood samples were kept in their original vials and stored frozen at -20℃. Blood lead levels were analyzed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry (GFAAS). To ensure the accuracy of the test results, internal quality controls were applied in each series of analysis. Statistical analyses showed that the coefficients of variation (CVs) in the internal pig blood and bovine blood samples from CDC were in the range of 1.2%~15.9% and 1.2%~48.6%, respectively. Moreover, the analyses based on the Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) revealed a non-significant difference in BLLs of long-term-stored blood samples. This study demonstrates that the BLLs measured from pig and bovine blood samples stored at 4℃ and -20℃ considerable time were stable over that period of time.
