  • 期刊


Analysis of the Sudden Death Cause Related to Exercise


猝死症(sudden death)之定義為一先前健康的個體在沒有發生外傷,沒有暴力的情況下,不預期的立刻或在6小時之內發生死亡。依據國外Van Camp等人所發表之160運動員(146男性與14女性)猝死病例中,心血管原因佔73.5%為最常見。之後類似的統計報告分析10年內的運動員猝死病例,發現85%為心臟原因所引起。且多數的死亡發生於訓練及正式的競賽期間或是賽後。除了常見的心臟原因外,其他猝死症的原因尚有藥物濫用,高熱症(hyperthermia),橫紋肌溶解症(rhabdomyolysis),氣喘重積症,外傷等。本文同時統計分析台灣南部兩大醫院近10年之25例(男性22例,女性3例)運動員猝死症之原因及分析,其中心因性(cardiac cause)佔17例(68%),氣喘症3例,高熱症2例,先前使用藥物2例,頭頸部外傷有1例。以心因性猝死症為最多。另外,這些死亡病例有12例(48%)有抽煙之習慣,有8例(32%)有喝酒之習慣。


運動 猝死


The definition of sudden death is a nontraumatic, nonviolent, unexpected death of a previously healthy individual occurring instantaneously or within 6 hours of an event. In a 10-year study of deaths in athletes, Van Camp et al. reported a total of 160 deaths (146 males and 14 females ), cardiovascular conditions were the most common cause(73.5%). A similar pattern was later reported in another 10-year study in which 85% of sudden death were the result of cardiac causes. Most of these deaths occurred during or after a exercise training or a competition. In addition to the cardiac cause, there were other cause of the deaths, including drugs abuse, hyperthermia(heat stroke), rhabdomyolysis, static asthmatics, head injury, etc. This article review 25 cases(22 males and 3 females) of sudden death in athletes of two hospital in southern Taiwan. Of these cases, 17(68 %) were cardiac cause, 3 cases were asthma attack, 2 were hyperthermia(heat stroke), 2 had drug abuse, and 1 was head injury. In addition, 12 cases(48%) were tobacco users, and 8 were alcohol users.


exercise sudden death

