  • 期刊


Clinical and Occupational Factors of Hand Ganglion Cyst


在現代細密分工下的產業,有許多的勞工從事著高頻率重複性動作的工作,若加上不當的姿勢、過度的施力及休息時間的不足,將會逐漸累積成慢性的局部傷害。而其中大部分的勞工都從事和手部活動有關的工作,所以上肢因工作而罹患肌肉骨骼傷害的情形,也普遍地存在於各行各業中,腱鞘囊腫即是其中之一。 腱鞘囊腫是手腕部最常見的軟組織腫瘤,好發於年輕女性,但其病理生理機轉尚不是很清楚。根據文獻資料顯示腱鞘囊腫和長期從事輕度、重複性的工作有相關。臨床表現通常是一個無痛且可移動的腫塊,有可能自行消退或反覆出現,若壓迫到神經則可能出現感覺異常或運動障礙,如腕隧道症候群。 雖然腱鞘囊腫不會致命,但是其所導致的失能,會增加個人及企業的成本。因此惟有進行人因工程改善計畫,改善工作環境、調整設備或作業方式才是減少腱鞘囊腫反其他肌肉骨骼傷害的方法。


In the modern society, a lot of job and manufacture process involves repeated work on a daily basis. The inappropriate working postures, excessive manual forces, high frequency of manual repetition motion, and lack of rest breaks might lead to accumulated local chronic injuries. Upper limb extremity accumulated trauma disorders have been associated with work activity in a variety of industries, jobs, and specific tasks. Ganglion cyst is the disease accompanied by that disorder. Ganglion cysts are the most common soft tissue tumors of the hand and wrist, occurring more commonly in female workers, usually between the ages of 20 and 30 years. As noted, the mechanism of ganglion cyst formation is still not known, but it may be associated with light, repetitive activity. Patients with a ganglion cyst usually present with a painless and movable mass. The cyst may fluctuate in size or disappear altogether for a period of time. The most common symptoms of hand ganglion cyst were limitation of wrist motion, paresthesias, and weakness. If the ganglion cyst compresses nerve, it might cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Although ganglion cyst is non-fatal, it might cause disability and increase the sick leave rate. In order to prevent the occurrence of hand ganglion cyst, we should implement the ergonomics program in workplace involving lots of repeated hand motion in the manufacturing process.
