  • 期刊


Analysis of Adverse Drug Effect of Special Vaccines and Antimalarial Agents and Adherence of Antimalarial Agents-Recommendations for overseas workers


背景及目的:本研究針對國人接受特殊疫苗施打與瘧疾預防藥物之副作用進行分析,以建立本土資料,並追蹤有關瘧疾預防藥物之遵醫囑性情況。以期國人重視出國前的化學性預防(chemoprophylaxis),減少造成國內境外感染的風險。方法:針對2009年至2010年的門診個案資料,初階段進行明信片回函,第二階段為電訪追蹤,針對服用瘧疾預防性藥物及施打疫苗的個案,進行副作用分析,並比較二者是否會造成結果差異。在電訪當中,並針對服用瘧疾預防性藥物的遵醫囑性進行訪問。結果:在明信片回函部份,其「無副作用」的比例低於電訪部份(流行性腦膜炎疫苗:65.2% vs 89.8%;黃熱病疫苗:73.4% vs 86.9%;瘧疾預防藥物:64.2% vs 73.5%),需考慮電訪的時效性,及所造成的回憶誤差。在瘧疾預防藥物的服用上,完全服用完為53.3%個案;完全沒服用的個案約為12.3%;在活動中或活動結束即停止的個案約為13.7%及15.7%。沒有服用完全的主要原因為「覺得再看看,應該不用吃」(男性:36.8%,女性:28.3%)。結論:隨著國際貿易及旅遊風氣的興盛,如何建立本國民眾在進行特殊疫苗施打與瘧疾預防藥物之副作用資料,以提升國人在出國工作,短期出差,或旅遊前,可以主動至門診進行相關化學性預防(chemoprophylaxis),不會因為恐懼副作用而錯失事前預防的機會。


Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the adverse drug effect (ADR) of special vaccines and antimalarial agents, as well as adherence of antimalarial agents, among Taiwanese workers and travelers.Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted among Taiwanese who visited the travel clinic in Mackay Memorial Hospital from 2009 to 2010. Returned postcard was used in the first stage, and phone interview was done in the second stage. Adverse drug effect of the special vaccines (Meningococcal vaccine and Yellow fever vaccine) and antimalarial agents were questioned via both methods and then compared. In addition, adherence of antimalarial agents and the preferred reply method were asked in the interview.Results: The percentage of those with no adverse drug effect was lower among those who returned the postcards than those interviewed by phone (Meningococcal vaccine: 65.2% vs 89.8%; Yellow fever vaccine: 73.4% vs 86.9%; Malaria chemoprophylaxis: 64.2% vs 73.5%, respectively). However, recall bias must be considered due to the later timing of the phone interviews. Adherence rates of malaria chemoprophylaxis were as followed: completed (53.3%); no pills taken (12.3%), incomplete (13.7% stopped in the middle of the trip and 15.7% stopped after returning home). The main reason for incompletion was feeling that malaria chemoprophylaxis was not necessary (male: 36.8%; female: 28.3%).Conclusion: With the rise of international trade and traveling, it is important to build the data of Taiwanese about the ADR after receiving special vaccination and anti-malaria agents. We wished the person who work abroad, short-term stay, or travel, they can initiative to clinic to receive the related chemoprophylaxis, the possibility of infection will be decreased because of workers who did not fear of ADR of chemoprophylaxis.
