  • 期刊


Occupational Herniated Lumbar Intervetebral Disc Related to Exposure to whole-body Vibration: a Case Report and Systemic Review


過去的研究指出,長期暴露在振動環境下的人員,易造成全身性振動(whole-body vibration, WBV)的危害。人體脊椎與器官系統會因振動而產生共振,對脊椎骨、末梢神經系統產生危害,造成脊柱退化、椎間盤突出、下背痛與坐骨神經痛等疾病。判斷是否為全身振動致椎間盤突出之基準必須要有:疾病的證據、職業暴露的證據、符合時序性並排除其他致病因子、流行病學的證據。本文藉由探討一位腰椎椎間盤突出之公車司機個案,回顧相關文獻,以期能使臨床醫師對以評估全身垂直振動致腰椎椎間盤突出有更深之了解。


Past studies have indicated that long-term exposure to vibration environment of staff, could easily lead to whole body vibration (WBV) hazards.The resonance of spine and organ system related to vibration causes harm to vertebral bones and peripheral nerve system. It induces spinal degeneration, disc herniation, sciatica, lower back pain and other diseases. To determine whether whole-body vibration has caused the disc herniation bases on: 1. Evidence of the disease; 2. evidence of occupational exposure; 3. the time interval between first asbestos exposure and begining of disease; 4. reasonably excluding other risk factors; 5. evidence of epidemiology. This article is a case reported about a bus driver, suffering from herniation of lumbar intervertebral disc related to whole-body vertical vibration. It is expected that, on the basis of the related literature, this article could provide more information for the clinicians.
