  • 期刊


Relationships among nurses' perceived occupational hazards, work stress and retention willingness at the Intensive Care Units of Northern Hospitals


臨床照護工作趨於複雜,護理人員的照顧負荷及工作壓力不斷的增加。護理人員面臨的職業危害也愈來愈多,使得國內各醫院護理人員不斷轉換跑道,離開職場,本研究特別探討北區不同等級醫院加護病房護理人員之自覺職業危害、工作壓力與護理人員的留任意願之相關性,藉此幫助醫療機構之管理者能評估臨床護理人員之自覺職業危害及工作壓力,提供相關諮詢服務及改善工作環境,以解決專業人才流失之困境,節省醫療成本之浪費,提升醫療照護的品質。本研究2011年1月1日至12月31日採橫斷式描述性問卷調查法,北區三家不同等級醫院加護病房之護理人員以方便取樣抽出符合選樣標準。資料分析以SPSS windows 18.0版進行次數分配、百分比、變異數、多元迴歸等統計方法。本研究結果顯示北區三家不同等級醫院加護病房之護理人員之工作壓力受自覺職業危害得分與留任意願正向的顯著影響。護理人員自覺職業危害愈高、工作壓力愈高則留任意願低。此外,自覺職業危害中的職業心理危害因素、自覺職身體健康危害因素皆顯著影響護理人員工作壓力的重要因素。


As the complexity of the clinical practice increased, nurses perceived more work loadings and stress, and more occupational hazards in clinical practice. These are also the reasons why nurses working in the intensive care units left the workplace, and changed their careers to other professionals. The purposes of this study are to explore the relationships of nurses' perceived occupational hazards, work stress, and retention willingness at the ICUs of the three different-level northern hospitals. It is expected that the study results can remind administrators assessing nurses' perceived occupational hazards and work stress, providing counseling, and improving work environment. In addition, the study findings can help solving the plight of the loss of nursing professionals, saving the personnel costs, and improving the nursing care quality. This study was a cross-sectional design, and was conducted from January 1 to December 31 in 2011 through questionnaires. Convenience sampling was used to recruit nurse participants who met the study criteria from three hospitals in the northern Taiwan. The methods of data analysis included frequency distribution, percentage, variance, multivariate regression using SPSS windows version 18.0s. The study results suggest that the ICU nurses' perceived occupational hazards and work stress significantly affect their retention willingness at the three different levels of hospitals. As nurses' perceived occupational hazards and work stress increased, their intention to work at the ICUs decreased. In addition, nurses' psychological factor and physical factor of the occupational hazards significant affect nursing work stress.
