  • 期刊


Prevention and Management of Hydrogen Sulfide Intoxication: Systemic Review


硫化氫(hydrogen sulfide,H2S)是一種無色、易燃、酸性氣體,屬於無機化合物,氣體密度比空氣重而易積聚在低窪或下風處。硫化氫濃度低時其氣味難聞如臭蛋,濃度高時會麻醉人類嗅覺神經,反而察覺不到氣味而易產生中毒,硫化氫可侵犯人體呼吸系統與中樞神經系統。硫化氫自然存在於天然氣、火山氣體、溫泉、原油等,亦可能出現在細菌分解有機物過程中或動物分解作用後,一般空氣中最高容許暴露濃度為10 ppm(百萬分之一,portion per million),高濃度暴露如500 ppm,可能引發急性肺水腫,甚至步入死亡。105年12月31日宜蘭縣龍德工業區某肥料工廠,在年底大清掃,派員工清洗儲存槽,林男依照作業流程,踏進儲存槽清洗地面,沒多久便倒地不起,一旁同事見狀趕緊上前救援,亦被嗆昏,許姓廠長等5人見狀,立即啟動排風機並通報119救援,當救護車抵達時,發現兩男已無生命徵象,送醫後急救無效宣告死亡,另外5人僅出現頭暈、流淚、嘔吐等症狀,所幸無大礙。類似清洗化學物儲存槽而發生中毒案例,這些年來斷續出現零星意外事故,例如102年新竹科學園區某半導體工廠年度維修6位清潔工硫化氫中毒、104年瑞芳公司有2位員工吸入等,均肇因於本人無警覺性且未戴適當防護具,加上通風不良。另外亦曾發生泡溫泉遊客硫化氫中毒案例,而負責維修溫泉設施工人也曾有類似中毒報導。硫化氫在職場發生致命吸入性氣體暴露比例7.7%,排行第二,僅次於一氧化碳中毒(36%)。自西元1990年代以來,硫化氫成為相對普遍、經常致命性且獨特之職業暴露風險。硫化氫可能出現在生活環境周遭,例如溝渠、溫泉、下水道、沼澤、垃圾場、養豬場等地區,而一些工業製程中,例如印染廠、採礦、皮革廠、橡膠廠、糖廠、含硫石油開採與提煉、有色金屬冶煉、煤低溫焦化作業等亦普遍會接觸到硫化氫。急性硫化氫中毒通常是零星案例且不可預測,臨床資訊必須是來自個案通報,一般缺乏暴露評估資料及後續結果追蹤檢討,且通常無暴露前之基準數據。自西元1700年代第一個中毒案例報告後,近些年來已熟悉其臨床表現及後續併發症。大多數急性中毒事件中,會有2個人以上為緊急搶救同伴而中毒,若隨身或附近有個人呼吸防護具(正壓供氧式)提供緊急使用,可防止中毒案例發生。


Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable, extremely hazardous gas with a "rotten egg" smell. Hydrogen sulfide is the chemical compound with the formula H2S. It is very poisonous, corrosive.It occurs naturally in crude petroleum and natural gas, and can be produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen gas, such as in swamps and sewers; this process is commonly known as anaerobic digestion and human/ animal wastes (e.g., sewage). It is heavier than air and can collect in low-lying and enclosed, poorly ventilated areas such as basements, manholes, sewer lines ,underwater ,and underground telephone/electrical vaults. H2S also occurs in volcanic gases, natural gas, and in some sources of well water. The human body produces small amounts of H2S and uses it as a signaling molecule. Hydrogen sulfide is a relatively common,frequently lethal,and unique occupational hazard.The clinical picture of hydrogen sulfide toxicity remains familiar and well known.It was first described in 1700.A set of characteristic signs and symptoms of H2S toxicity occur together,such as conjunctivitis, odor perception,pulmonary edema,and knockdown,singly or in combination.Acute hydrogen sulfide toxicity cases are sporadic,unpredictable compared to traumatic injuries.Clinical information must come from individual case reports. Hydrogen sulfide is the second most common cause of fatal gas inhalation exposures in the workplace.As in most such incidents,casualties usually occur in 2s or more as would-be rescuers rush to save their coworkers in a haste without any protection.Intensive training and ready availability of personal protective equipments(positive pressure with oxygen supply) are required to prevent such situations.Therapies for toxic exposures include removal from the contaminated environment. ventilation with 100% oxygen,and nitrite therapy if administered immediately after exposure.
