  • 期刊


Student Cafeteria Air Quality Monitoring via Bioaerosol Level Measurement


爲了瞭解校園內學生用餐之學生餐廳空氣微生物污染現況,本研究利用衝擊式採樣法及自然沉降法對校園學生餐廳在就餐時間前、中、後不同時段進行空氣中微生物含量之調查,並分析評估學生餐廳生物氣膠的污染狀況。調查結果顯示,在學生餐廳內2人/10立方公尺以上在場時,細菌數含量均超過500 CFU/立方公尺,其中以學生用餐時間出現最高值。主成分分析結果發現,無論是衝擊式採樣法或自然沉降法,用餐狀態爲影響學生餐廳空氣中微生物含量的主要因子。除此之外本研究亦發現當活動人員的多寡或是通風效率不良均會造成空氣中生物氣膠的改變。


The main objective of this research is to measure the levels of microorganism contamination of the air inside the student cafeteria on campus by using an impactor sampling method and a natural sedimentation method. The measurements can be quantified with concentration levels of airborne bioaerosols performed in three time periods, i.e. before, during, and after lunch time. The results indicate that the bioaerosol levels exceed 500 CFU/m^3 if there are more than 2 persons for every cubic meter of air mass in thecateferia. The bioaerosols are at the highest levels during the lunch time period. With either the impactor method or the sedimentation method, one of the major contributing factors is the crowdedness due to many students all at lunch at the same time. Furthermore, the bioaerosol levels are affected by factors such as the cafeteria building ventilation system and kitchen crew running special activities and others.


