  • 期刊


Disinfection Efficiency Study by Application of Environmentally Green Chlorine Dioxide to Herbal Spas


爲了瞭解休閒理療中心面藥浴池微生物污染現況,本研究利用二氧化氯消毒殺菌劑添加至藥浴池水中進行滅菌效能評估試驗,以提升水療館之藥浴池池水的環境品質。其步驟分爲二部份進行:(1)實驗室進行模擬現場試驗,(2)現場環境監測分析。首先進行藥浴池之水質分析,接著進行微生物培養及消毒滅菌效能評估。根據結果發現,於實驗室模擬試驗時,以0.25 mg/L as ClO2及0.5 mg/L as ClO2殺菌劑單次投藥進行消毒滅菌,均可維持40小時符合行政院衛生署營業衛生基準。藥浴池現場消毒滅菌試驗時,以0.5 mg/L as ClO2殺菌劑單次投藥後1小時滅菌率可達70%,隨著作用時間增加滅菌率降低;0.7 mg/L as ClO2殺菌劑多次投藥進行消毒滅菌,其滅菌率並未提高,原因在於現場環境監測分析時有消費者進出藥浴池水因素造成水中微生物含量增加,建議消費者入池前改善個人衛生習慣或建議水療館藥浴池採用個人池,在消費者使用前均能換水再浸泡,以維護藥浴池環境及消費者之健康並避免傳染病的散播。


二氧化氯 消毒 藥浴池


Herbal spas at vacation resorts are often used by numerous visitors. Public health safety guidelines need to be followed for the herbal spas. Disinfection of herbal spas should be carried out routinely. The main objective of this research is to study the disinfection efficiency of an environmentally green disinfectant, ClO2, when applied to herbal spas. To study the efficiency, a disinfection experiment is simulated in the lab with lab water samples first. Next, water samples from a local spa are collected and analyzed for microorganism levels. The microorganisms in the water samples are cultivated. Finally, various concentration levels of ClO2 are applied to the water samples. The lab simulation results indicate that single applications of the disinfectant at both 0.25 mg/L and 0.5 mg/L as ClO2 can effectively disinfect the lab water samples for up to 40 hours according to the Taiwan EPA standards. However, the herbal spa results indicate that a single application of 0.5 mg/L as C102 can achieve a 70% disinfection rate within 60 minutes, which is then diminishing afterwards. By increasing the ClO2 level from 0.5 mg/L to 0.7 mg/L does not improve the result too much due to natural environmental conditions of the resort such as visitors are constantly coming and leaving. Sources of microorganisms from the visitors themselves can cross contaminate and affect the efficiency greatly. Therefore, visitors need to wash themselves thoroughly before using the herbal spas to avoid cross contamination and applications of the environmentally green ClO2 disinfectant with concentration levels of 0.5 mg/L need to be practiced routinely by the resorts to adequately disinfect the herbal spas in order to comply with the EPA standards.


ClO2 Disinfection Herbal Spa
