  • 期刊


Evaluation of Controlling Safe Water Quality for the Fishing Pond


近年來的遠洋漁業逐漸由近海的養殖漁業取代漁獲量的供應,雖養殖漁業能有助於海洋漁業的產量,但養殖水體中水質的優劣狀況是影響魚體健康最主要的問題,良好的水體品質可讓魚體不致感染疾病及土臭味的發生而造成食用者的反感。本研究針對養殖水體進行提升水體衛生品質與水體消毒監測,本研究將由三方面進行養殖水體之評估(1)養殖水體中微生物檢測包含總菌落數、大腸桿菌、產氣單胞菌屬,(2)以綠色消毒劑進行養殖水體品質之改善,(3)養殖水體產氣單胞菌之菌種鑑定,並探討水中微生物對人體及漁產所造成的傷害。結果顯示,5.5 mg/L二氧化氯消毒劑濃度對於細菌有顯著的消毒效果並能穩定抑菌可長達3小時之久,而6.0 mg/L的消毒劑濃度對大腸桿菌群以及產氣單胞菌屬兩者之檢出均有明顯的消毒效果。水中維持含有適當消毒劑殘餘量即能有效抑制藻類釋放出的微生物及殘菌的孳生。養殖水體產氣單胞菌屬之菌種鑑定結果分別有Pseudomonas mendocina及Aeromonas veronii,兩種菌種皆屬於致病性產氣單胞菌種類都易造成人體的感染及造成魚體健康的影響。因此,控制消毒劑的濃度與殘餘量可在養殖業做好水質控管得以殺滅水中有害的病菌體,進而提供漁產及漁民一個安全又健康的養殖場所並減少傳染疾病之發生。


In recent years, the supply of offshore fishing is gradually replaced by that of the coastal fish farming. The fish farming is helpful to the marine fisheries yield; however, the aquaculture water quality is the main factor affecting the fish health. Good water quality lets the fish will not have the disease caused by infection and the smell of soil leading to public resentment. In this study, therefore, the water quality of fishing pond was investigated and then evaluated the disinfection process carried out in this pond by three stages: (1) microbiology detection, namely Total Bacterial Counts, E. coli, Aeromonas spp., (2) improving the water quality with chlorine dioxide and (3) Identification of Aeromonas bacteria in the fishing pond. Results showed that chlorine dioxide can inhibit the growth of bacteria released from algae at 5.5 mg/l and can control coliform and Aeromonas spp at 6.0 mg/l. "Pseudomonas mendocina" and "Aeromonas veronii" were identified in this study; they are pathogenic bacteria belonging to Aeromonas species category and can cause human and fish infection easily. Therefore, the control of residual disinfectant concentration can keep the water quality well and provide fishermen a safe and healthy workplace to reduce the incidence of infectious disease.
