  • 期刊


Cost Assessments of Ship Main Propulsion and Service Power Options


隨著溫室氣體排放管制的日趨嚴格,使得船東對船舶節能減碳議題愈來愈重視。大多數船舶節能減碳的問題肇因於推進與電力供應系統運轉,造成空氣的污染及鉅額的油料成本。現今有許多推進與電力供應技術可以提供不同等級的改善,以適合個別船東的特殊需求。當考慮改善方案之成本效益,經濟分析是必要且重要的。爲提供正確的成本分析結果,本文提出一套船細推進與電力供應系統之成本分析模式。該分析模式利用現值(present value)法,將設備之初始購置成本及於使用年限內之運轉維護成本考慮在分析中。幾種可能的推進與電力供應投資方案被加以研究,並以實際船舶資料進行成本質例分析。爲減少不確定輸入參數對分析結果的影響,本文亦執行敏感度分析(sensitivity analysis),以增加分析結果的可靠度,並拔出關鍵參數。本文所發展的分析模式可針對目前有效的或進階的船舶推進與電力供應系統,協助船東建立其商業案例。


With the increase of greenhouse-gas regulation in marine vessels, more attention has been paid to the energy saving and carbon reduction problems. Main propulsion and service power systems that cause emissions and result in significant fuel oil costs are among the major energy saving and carbon reduction problems. Better fuel efficiency and cleaner emissions alternatives for main propulsion and ship service power, that provide different improvement levels, can be used to match individual owner's special needs. Cost effective analysis is essential and important when considering the economic competitiveness of these alternatives. In order to provide accurate cost analysis results, a set of cost analysis model for ship main propulsion and service generator systems is proposed in this paper. A present value method is used to consider capital cost and operational & maintenance costs in the economic life of equipment in the analysis. Several possible propulsion and electrical power generation options are studied by using ship practical data. To reduce effects of uncertain parameters on analysis result and determine critical parameters, sensitive analyses are also performed. The model developed can assist owners in establishing a business case for currently available or further ship powering and electrical generator systems.
