  • 期刊


The Optimal Design of Piping Arrangement in Ship's Engine Room with Consideration of Equipment Operability Space


提昇自動化比例、節省時間與材料,達到提昇設計效率與降低成本的目標,一直是船舶機艙管路設計的研究議題。本研究開發一套船舶機艙之管路規劃設計系統,將佈管空間內的設備進行長方體化,透過基因演算法中目標函數的設計,使管線躲避設備所佔有空間,自動規劃最短路徑之管線。當管線之進口與出口所圍成的佈管空間內之設備過多時,系統也會自動繞直至外圍空間,尋求最佳之繞行路徑。而本系統最大的特色係將設備的操作空間列入管路規劃程序中之考慮因素,設定設備操作度爲佈管設計時的量化性限制條件(quantifiable constraints),將路徑演化引導至本文所訴求的目標,開發出兼顧經濟成本與人因成本條件的管線設訓一最佳化系統。


It has been a research interest to develop a system that is alternative to manual sketches, and that attempts to produce a highly automatic. time-saving, and material-saving pipeline arrangement. The study developed a system that starts with cuboidalizing fixtures between pipelines, and then adopts Genetic Algorism and Objective Function to present a design that avoid fixtures. When fixtures occupy so much space in the area enclosed by the input and output of pipelines, the system would automatically make a detour to the outside space. The study features the ergonomic consideration of space it takes to operate equipment. Together with economic consideration, the proposed approach is expected to produce efficient and optimal pipeline arrangements.
