  • 期刊


Study on Integrated Design of Engine Room Ventilation


現今船舶設計初期,機艙通風規劃是機能設計階段的重要關鍵圖之一。然機艙通風設計於機能、細部、製造安裝等三階段相互沒有即時驗證機制,造成細部設計後,無從得知各出風口風量是否達到機能設計需求;風管製造安裝後,實際風量結果與細部設計有落差,需在試俥階段才能量測驗證。故為強化通風設計於三階段之間資訊聯繫,以船廠現使用之PDMS軟體為平台,運用平衡容量法整合於CAD與VB.NET,將通風設計流程3D化,在機能設計階段以New Duct程式進行三維的風管路徑佈置規劃,並於細部設計階段Flow Rate程式進行風量計算,確認達到機能設計需求與否,預估製造安裝後的實際風量。本文以台灣國際造船股份有限公司建造貨櫃船(4662TEU),於試俥期間實際測量風量,比對程式計算與實際風量結果,驗證程式的精準度,以期提升設計的能力與效率。


通風設計 三維設計


Initial design, working design, and manufacturing are three key steps for ship design and manufacturing. The system design of engine room ventilation is an important component of initial design for ships. However, in current design technology, after the working design, whether the air quantities delivered at the exits of the ventilation system meet with that of initial design is not checked. Nevertheless, differences may exist between the actually delivered air quantities and the results of the working design, and such differences remains unknown until the sea trial. To achieve integration and improve design effectiveness of the ventilation system design in these three steps, a three-dimensional (3D) model based ventilation design process and technology have been developed. The diameters of the 3D ventilation routes are determined by using New Duct program in the initial design step, and the Flow Rate program has been used to predict the air quantities to be delivered by the ventilation system modified in the detail design step. The differences in the measured air quantity delivery and the predicted air quantity delivery were compared in the engine room ventilation system of a 4622 TEU container ship.


Ventilation Design 3D Design
