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Research on EFL Listening Assessment in Taiwan: Current Issues and Future Directions





This paper is a review of studies on the assessment of listening ability conducted by Taiwanese researchers that were published between January 2001 and July 2006. Papers written by Taiwanese scholars that have been published in international and domestic journals as well as in proceedings of conferences held in Taiwan are summarized and presented with critical analyses of their results. Based on a review of twenty-five papers, nine topics that have been investigated by Taiwanese researchers are identified. They are (1) roles of pre-listening support, (2) effects of different types of listening texts on listening performance, (3) effects of different response formats on listening performance, (4) effects of modified listening input on listening performance, (5) assessment of note-taking skills, (6) strategies used in listening tests and effects of test anxiety on strategy use, (7) diagnostic testing of listening problems, (8) portfolio assessment of listening ability, and (9) teachers’ beliefs and attitudes toward listening tests. The paper ends by calling for more research on existing topics as well as on topics that still remain unexplored in Taiwan.


Alderson, J. C.,Banerjee, J.(2001).Language testing and assessment (Part I).Language Teaching.34,213-236.
Alderson, J. C.,Banerjee, J.(2002).Language testing and assessment (Part 2).Language Teaching.35,78-113.
Bachman, L. F.(2002).Some reflections on task-based language performance assessment.Language Testing.19,453-476.
Buck, G.(2001).Assessing listening.Cambridge, U.K.:Cambridge University Press.
Chang, C.-S.(2004).Selected Papers from the Thirteenth International Symposium on English Teaching.Taipei, Taiwan:Crane Publishing Co.
