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Global Influence on English Verbs to Be Learned by Non-Native Interns in Writing Medical Records





This study compared medical texts written by journal authors with texts written by student authors in order to see what could be learned that would be useful for EMP (English for medical purposes) pedagogy. Using corpus linguistics, the researchers undertook a micro-level comparison of verb choices. The current study began with the corpora compilation of two collections of medical texts-one containing 50 admission notes composed by Taiwanese medical students and the other containing 50 medical case reports written by journal authors. Despite differences in purposes and audience, both collections contain similar contents: medical histories, diagnoses, and information on testing and treatment. For the micro-level verb usage comparison, tools such as WordSmith and TreeTagger were utilized to determine frequency and concordance in order to identify verbs commonly used by students and those frequently employed by experts. Of the WordSmith Tools, specific functions such as wordlist, keywords, and concord functions were employed. The results highlight implications for EAP pedagogy in general and EMP pedagogy in particular. Students can learn from journal writers by expanding their use of verb choices, by making their writing style more objective, and by documenting more details to make their writing more informative.


EMP corpus linguistics medical records


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