  • 期刊


An Exploration of the Mental Health Mechanism of Mindfulness


研究目的:「正念」是佛教修行中的重要方法,當代心理學認為正念具有治療心理疾患、促進心理健康的價值,因此發展出一些整合「正念」的心理治療取向或心理健康促進方案。這些正念取向介入都已有許多研究證明其對身心健康的效益。隨著正念研究的進展,有些學者將研究焦點放在探討正念促進心理健康的機制,也就是正念透過何種中介變項(mediator)促進心理健康,這些中介變項則是促進心理健康的重要因素。已有一些研究證明正念能促進許多心理健康因素,據此有些學者提出一些理論模型來解釋正念的心理健康機制。本文旨在澄清正念的意義及整合正念的心理健康機制理論,以提供後續相關的實徵研究參考。研究方法:本文首先藉由比較佛較文獻及心理學文獻對於正念的界定,從而澄清正念的意義;進一步本文整理出正念心理健康機制的佛教模型及當代心理學模型,並從兩個方向整合這些理論。第一,探討佛教心理健康觀與現代心理健康觀的共通性,在此共通性的基礎上整合佛教模型與心理學模型。第二,根據本文對正念意義的澄清及上述的理論,提供一個巨觀的架構,以大概念統攝小概念,藉此將正念的心理健康機制作更高層級的歸納,使其圖像更清楚。研究結果:運用上述方法,本文最後以「完適覺知」(full and fit awareness and comprehension)及「創造性自我」(creativeself)這兩個構念描述正念的心理健康機制。研究結論:本文並非試圖提出一個最終的正念心理健康機制理論,而是希望藉由整合各個理論的過程將現有的理論作一個系統的梳理,從而提供一個較巨觀、完整、一致的圖像提供後續研究參考。


Mindfulness is a significant method in Buddhist practices. Mindfulness-based programs in modern psychotherapy and mental health promotion efforts have been well-developed. Researchers have explored how mindfulness facilitates mental health and identified the mediators (mental health factors) between mindfulness and mental health. Research shows that these mental health factors are promoted by practicing mindfulness and a number of theoretical models have been proposed to interpret the mindfulness-mental health mechanism. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to clarify the meaning of mindfulness and integrate mindfulness-mental health mechanism theories that include Buddhism and psychology. Methods: This article adapted two ways to integrate those theories. First, it investigated the mental-health-view of Buddhism and psychology and found their consensus. Second, based on the common mental-health-view of Buddhism and psychology, mentioned mindfulness-mental health mechanism theories and the clarified mindfulness definition, it built a macro view of mindfulness-mental health mechanism. Results: This article eventually used ”full and fit awareness and comprehension” and ”creative self” to describe the mindfulness-mental health mechanism. Full and fit awareness and comprehension consists two parts: ”full awareness” and ”fit comprehension”. Full awareness refers an individual can fine, smooth, free, honestly, undistortedly and unfixedly notice every experience. Fit comprehension means that an individual adaptively think and understand himself/herself and his/her situation. Creative self derive from full and fit awareness and comprehension, and it refers an individual self is deeply aware, acceptant, flexible and compassionate. Conclusions: This article didn't want to propose a ultimate mindfulnessmental health mechanism theory, but rather supply a macro and integrated picture by systematically marshaling existing related theories.


Lazar, S. W. (2005). Mindfulness Research/http://www.worldcat.org/title/mindfulness-and-psychotherapy/oclc/57185665&referer=brief_results


