  • 期刊


Social Capital, Institutional Innovation, and Condominium Apartments Rebuilding of the 1999 Chi-chi Earthquake in Taiwan


研究目的:本研究關注社會資本對921災後集合住宅重建的影響。過去災難社會學文獻認為社會資本作為準公共財,有助於推動災後重建;另外,921震後集合住宅重建的文獻指出,震後頒佈的暫行條例,制度上的創新有助社會資本在重建中發揮正面作用。本文使用社區層級的社會資本測量變項和長期追蹤資料,分析社會資本對921震後集合住宅重建的影響。研究方法:本文使用了三種社會資本的分析架構,分別是牽絆式(bonding)、橫跨式(bridging)、縱連式(linking)三個面向,以台灣921震後集合住宅重建作為測量災後韌性的指標,利用1999至2013年的面版數據(panel data),透過迴歸模型探討社會資本對災後集合住宅重建的效果。研究結果:統計結果顯示,各受災社區大樓的組織活動,如組織更新會和受災聯盟的新聞次數越多,越能有效提高重建成功的機率;而政治人物到現場勘查受災社區大樓的新聞次數越多,亦能有效地提高重建成功的機會,但只有縣市長、立委層級的政治人物勘查有明顯作用。研究結論:社會資本對推動921災後集合住宅重建成功有正面影響力。另外,本文與既有文獻符合,發現921震災重建基金會的補助是集合住宅重建成功的重要成因。台灣震後特定時空下的制度創新,對建立災區重建的韌性具有重要的參考價值。


社會資本 韌性 住宅重建 災難 921地震


Purpose: This essay aims to investigate the relationship between social capital and condominium apartments rebuilding of Chi-chi Earthquake (1999) in Taiwan. Several studies have revealed that The Temporary Statute for 921 Earthquake Reconstruction (921 Foundation) had provided significant support to condominium apartments rebuilding. However, data about the efficacy of the institutional innovation and social capital are limited. Methods: This paper studied 138 condominium apartments rebuilding as a longitudinal data in 13 years. Our study uses the analysis frame recognized by existing researches that social capital can be classified into three types: bonding, bridging and linking. It also argues the social capital would affect the housing reconstruction. Results: Statistical results show a positive correlation between social capital and the probability of reconstruction completed. Accumulations of organization events and politicians' visits as the measurements of social capital from the newspaper database have a positive effect on condominium apartments rebuilding. Conclusions: In sum, this finding broadly supports the disaster studies related to social capital with resilience. The 921 Foundation is also proven as a major actor in increasing the probability of condominium apartments rebuilding completed. This research has shown that social capital matters for post-disaster recovery.


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