  • 期刊

Manu Ka Kmlawa Rudan?初探太魯閣族老人照顧-以Ciyakang部落為例

Manu Ka Kmlawa Rudan? An Exploratory Study of the Eldercare Beliefs Held by Truku Elders from the Ciyakang Community




Purpose: Because of the diversity of indigenous communities, it is critical to understand the unique cultural context of each in order to provide elder care that meets the needs and expectations of the locals. The term cultural care emphasizes caring based on a particular indigenous community's culture and living habits. We explored the cultural care of the Ciyakang, an indigenous community among the Truku people, with the goal of understanding the specific needs of Truku elders. Method: We employed purposive sampling and the snowball method to conduct in-depth interviews with 11 Truku elders from the Ciyakang community. Results: The participating tribal elders reported that social changes have marginalized their status in the family and the tribe, and weakened the tribe's cultural heritage as care providers. Participants indicated that the ideal care model should incorporate mind, body, and spirit, as well as the lifestyle of the tribe. Our analysis revealed that participants' views and perceptions about eldercare were shaped by the characteristics of the Truku people: high self-esteem, capability, independence, and mutualism. Conclusions: The findings reflected the cultural care theory, suggesting that future planning for the care of indigenous elders should be centered on their lifestyle. Truku elders valued empowerment, autonomy, independence, and mutualism. These values influenced their daily life and behavior. Care planning should accord with these values. The geographic scope of service delivery should be expanded to the areas in which elders dwell and are familiar with in order to sustain their daily routines and provide holistic care that encompasses mind, body, and spirit.


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