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Effects of Planted Green Manure Soybean to Promot Soil Fertility and Sugar Apple Growth in Refreshed Arable Land


2009 年莫拉克風災太麻里溪潰堤致週遭耕地流失,重建之新生地有機質含量低,土壤貧瘠,不利作物生長。本研究於太麻里復耕地栽種臺南7 號綠肥大豆,調查其對土壤理化性質及番荔枝果樹之影響。結果顯示在土壤養分方面,種植綠肥大豆對土壤有機質含量及及養分有效性會隨綠肥種植時間增加而逐漸提升,其餘磷、鉀及鎂等含量雖亦隨綠肥種植時間而增加,但不明顯。在番荔枝葉片分析上兩者間無顯著差異,顯示種植綠肥對番荔枝的生長並無影響;在產量及果實品質方面,試驗第一年處理組產量略低於對照組,至第三年處理組產量11.6 公斤/株已高於對照組產量9.8 公斤/株,顯示持續種植綠肥能有效提高番荔枝產量。果實可溶性固形物含量兩者數值相當。本試驗顯示復耕地種植綠肥大豆可有效提升土壤表層養分,在初期效果不顯著,但經過三年後,有機質含量提升對土壤及果樹具有正面的促進效果。


Taimali river embankment collapse by typhoon Morakot in 2009 and erosion arable land around. The refreshed arable sandy land was low organic matter content and barren, unfavorable for crop growth. In this study, we planted green manure Soybean TN.7 in Taimali refreshed arable land, and investigated its effect on soil properties and the growth of sugar apple tree. Results showed that planted green manure could increase soil organic matter content over time. Phosphorus, potassium and magnesium of the soil also increased over time but no significant. In leaves of sugar apple there were no significant differences between treatments, showed that planted green manure did not affect the growth of sugar apple. In terms of yield and fruit quality, in the first year yield treatment slightly lower than the control, than to the third year treatment yield 11.6 kg per tree had been higher than the control (9.8 kg per tree). The results demonstrated that planted green manure could improve Sugar apple yield. The soluble solids content of treatment and control were similar. The study showed that planted green manure soybean could increasing soil surface nutrients effectively, there were no significant effect at beginning but showed positive effects on soil and trees during three years later.
