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The Effect of Fertilizer Different Dilution Rates on the Current Pseudobulb Growth and Flowering for the Potted Nobile-type Dendrobium


本研究探討不同稀釋倍數(500、1,000、2,000及4,000倍)之水溶性複合肥料(N-P_2O_5-K_2O:20-20-20)對二年生黃花與紅花品種春石斛之當代假球莖營養及開花生長之影響。參試品種為臺灣本地選育之黃花品種Dendrobium Tian Mu No. 5及紅花品種Den. Tian Mu No. 7。結果顯示,黃花品種之對照組與4,000倍處理,其株高最矮、但具有最多之假球莖節間數與花芽數,以及最高之開花節位比例;紅花品種之4,000倍處理,亦有相同之結果表現,與其他處理相較皆達顯著差異。每兩週澆灌一次水溶性複合肥料(N-P_2O_5-K_2O:20-20-20) 4,000倍稀釋液,於植株自然停心後停止施肥,可獲得較優良之開花表現。


This experiment was conducted to determine how applying soluble compound fertilizer(N-P_2O_5-K_2O:20-20-20) with different concentrations affect the growth and flowering of Den. Tian Mu No. 5 and Den. Tian Mu No. 7. The two cultivations were breeded in Taiwan. Results indicated that plant height and pseudobulb node numbers were lowest in Den. Tian Mu No. 5 with CK and 4,000 X diluted rate treatment, and flowering node percentage, total flower numbers were the highest. In the Den. Tian Mu No. 7, the lowest plant height and pseudobulb node numbers were appeared at the diluted rate treatment of 4,000 X, the highest flowering node percentage and total flower number were also appeared at the same diluted rate treatment. Statistically significant differences between these treatments were found. Our study suggested that applying soluble fertilizer (N-P_2O_5-K2O:20-20-20) at the diluted rates of 4,000X every 14 days could be appropriated on the cultivation of Den. Tian Mu No. 5 and Den. Tian Mu No. 7 cultivated in sphagnum moss. This study also recommends no fertigation after pseudobulbs stop elongation and begin to swell (terminal leaf formation) for better flowering performance.
