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Application of Plant Growth-Gromoting Rhizobacteria, Bacillus Species, on Lettuce in Plant Growth and Stress Tolerance


植物根際促生細菌廣泛存在於自然界中,能夠透過分泌二次代謝物質或是植物賀爾蒙影響植物生長生理反應;其中枯草桿菌屬能夠透過分泌蛋白水解酵素、抗生物質或藉由二次代謝物質影響植株生長或抗病性。本研究分析由土壤分離出之枯草桿菌屬菌株以及其蛋白質水解物,探討對萵苣生長及逆境耐受性之影響。試驗結果顯示,Bacillus sp. strain D1(D1)菌株及其大豆蛋白質水解物皆可影響植物生長,提高植物內生性二次代謝物如酚類化合物的生成,同時能夠提高植物體內抗氧化酵素活性。對於逆境耐受性而言,經過D1菌株及其大豆蛋白質水解物處理後的萵苣,能夠提高對於乾旱、鹽分以及熱逆境耐受性。調查結果顯示,處理過後的植株由細胞膜脂質過氧化後產生的丙二醛在逆境環境下明顯的下降。


Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are found in natural environment widely. PGPR affect plant growth through the secretion of secondary metabolites or plant growth hormone. Studies show that protein hydrolysates could act as biostimulant to promote plant growth and enhance tolerance to stress. In this study, growth promotion effect on lettuce induced by Bacillus sp. strain D1 (D1) and protein hydrolysates derived from this Bacillus sp. (PH-D1) were analyzed. Plants treated with D1 and PH-D1 enhanced growth activity, and increased the phenolic contents and antioxidant enzyme activities. Furthermore, application of D1 and PH-D1 to lettuce increased plant tolerance to drought, salt and heat stress; these treatments reduced the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) under stress conditions.


PGPR Lettuce Protein hydrolysate Stress tolerance
