  • 期刊


The Manufacture Development of Tube Hydroforming (THF) Technology for Radiator Support of Car


汽車散熱器支架為汽車底盤主要結構件之一,其用途為支撐、固定散熱器及前保險防撞桿。傳統的散熱器支架,是以二片以上鋼板沖壓件經由銲接組裝所構成,在製程上比較耗時、複雜且費料,在結構安全上亦較差。而管件液壓成形技術具有:減輕重量/節省能源、產品一體型化、剛性佳、提高產品性能/精度,且在生產過程中可減少半成品零件數量,減少銲接、機械加工與產品組裝道次等後加工處理,有效降低生產成本、縮短加工周期等優點,可因應運輸工具輕量化、高性能、省能源之發展趨勢。 本研究金屬中心應用管件液壓成形技術並結合車廠,進行一體型/輕量化之液壓成形散熱器支架產品設計與開發。本文將針對液壓成形性分析,製程規劃、模擬驗證及實際試模…等相關議題作討論,期望能協助有關業者對散熱器支架之管件液壓成形製程研究開發有更深刻認知及了解。


Radiator Support is one of the essential bedrock partses of automobile structure system. The function is supporting and stabling Radiator and Front Bumper. Traditional Radiator Support is usually manufactured from more than two pieces steel sheet stamping to welding assembly. Howerer, the above manufacturing process is time-consuming, complicated, wasting material and less structure safety compared with THF part. Hydroforming technology can save weight energy, integrate product design, improve performance ability the product accuracy reduce the number of semi-finished parts, and diminish the manufacturing workload of welding, maching, and assembly after THF. So, THF has ability to save manufacturing cost, cycling time and meet the development trend of transportion vehicle for lightweight, high performance and economical energy. Base on mirdc's THF technology and Car company, the product design and development of THF radiator support for integration and lightweight is progressed. In this paper, systematic description and discussion will be revealed to the formability study of THF radiator support, manufacture process design and real tryout, etc. Expecting that the results of the present study would be helpful to the related industries.


THF Car Radiator Support
