  • 期刊


To Point Out the Methods of Dealing with Moral Dilemmas by Discussing the Theory of Ethical Relativism and Objectivism





The position of ethical relativists is different from that of ethical objectivists. The former argues that morals are sometimes valid and sometimes invalid according to the conditions in which they are practiced, the latter holds that some morals are recognized and validated by the whole mankind. In ancient times of China, Mencius can be regarded as an ethical objectivist. However, he also mentioned the statement of quan (權). He said, "When the sister-in-law is drowning, to rescue with the hand is the presentation of quan."Such a statement makes himself deviate from the stance of ethical objectivists. For Zhuang Zi, the ethical relativist was also fond of talking about quan. He said, "A man who knows Tao must understand reason. A man who understands reason must catch on quan. A man who catches on quan will not be harmed by dangerous things." The word quan is sometimes called quan bian (權變). Although Mencius and Zhuang Zi both referred to quan bian, we still can discover the truth that the former was to practice morals and the latter was to protect the self. Therefore, quan bian is not only the shared concept of both ethical relativists and ethical objectivists but also the implement with different aims to resolve their moral dilemmas. Because of this, we are able to affirm that sometimes ethics and morality do not necessarily have to stand on the same side. We can see this clearly in many comments expressed by ethical relativists. In this way, there are two main purposes for writing this thesis. The first one is to clarify the relation between ethics and morality and to make it clear whether ethics and morality will be separated on account of quan or even to serve the Evil just because of practicing quan. This is also what ethics is blamed for. The second purpose is to discuss how ethics should resolve ethical or moral dilemmas, and what the mission of ethics is. Whether ethics should practice morality, gain profits, or to achieve both?


Gordon E Newman, “What is the difference between morality and ethics?” Ezine@rticles. http://ezinearlicles.com/?What-Is-the-Difference-Between-Morality-and-Ethics?&id=6171320/ (accessed July 1, 2012).
Serra, Juall Pablo(2010).What is and what should pragmatic ethics be? Some remarks on recent scholarship.European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy.2(2),100.
Manuel Velasquez, Claire Andre, Thomas Shanks, S.J., and Michael J. Meyer, “What is ethics,” Markkula Center For Applied Ethics, http://www.scu.edu/ethics/practicing/decision/whatisethics.html/(accessed July 2, 2012).
Ku Hung-ming, The Spirit of the Chinese People (Peking: The Commercial Press, 1922), 57.
