  • 期刊


A study of Folk Literature program about teaching how to create lyrics of folklore songs




民間文學 民歌 歌謠 教學 擬作


The purpose of the program is to develop the abilities to understand and appreciate the characteristics of diverse folklore songs for students who study Folk Literature by creating folklore song lyrics on their own. After learning how to write lyrics according to specific rhythms of variety folk songs, the students will assumedly comprehend the features of folklore songs, be inspired by the spirits of folk songs as well as be encouraged to explore furtherly various themes of folklore songs. In the meantime, the students will also be required to collect and record the folk songs from different area in Taiwan so they can enhance their knowledge of local folklore songs as well as writing skills. According to the natures of folklore songs, the practical writing program has been divided into five aspects including "musical sentence", "instant writing", "oral practice (read out loud)", "rhyming" and "touched by the scene". In accordance with above aspects, the students will be required to write a folklore song in class, read it out loud, review and discuss the works with the class.


中國民間文學集成總編委辦公室編:《中國民間文學集成工作手冊》(北京:中國民間文學集成總編委辦公室編印(內部資料),1987 年5 月),頁108
中國民間文學集成全國編輯委員會、《中國歌謠集成‧上海卷》編輯委員會編:《中國歌謠集成‧上海卷》(北京,中國ISBN 中心,2000 年12 月),頁52。
(清)阮元校勘:《十三經注疏.2 詩經》,(臺北:藝文印書館股份有限公司,1993 年9 月《重刊宋本毛詩注疏附校勘記》本),頁208。
劉守華、陳建憲主編:《民間文學教程》(第二版),(武漢:華中師範大學出版社,2009 年6 月),頁123。
段寶林、過偉:《民間詩律》(北京,北京大學出版社,1987 年11 月),頁297
